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US Throws $11.4 Billion in the Trash. Every Year.

The facts show us that we have a lot of room for improving recycling! Trashing recyclables is bad for business, bad for human health, and bad for the environment.

Honest People Should Carry Guns

Think About It

I believe Honest People Should Carry 
Self Protection 

Guns for Sane People to Save Each Other From Mentally Ill Criminals! 

People are More Important than Profits

My posting title is a quotation of Tommy Douglas. This posting is about how we can solve the healthcare problems that are plaguing American's with unrealistic and rising costs. We are going to identify the myths created by propaganda (funded by the insurance companies, drug companies, and other health care profit motivated companies). We are going to examine the scope of the problem and the simple solution.

Patent Trolls Hindering Innovation

Today, companies large and small with any intellectual property spend inordinate amounts of time, energy, and resources fighting patent battles that ultimately hinder everyone from innovating by diverting huge quantities of capital into spurious legal battles over trivial patents.

There are Patent Toll companies that develop intelectual property and then never turn these ideas into anything tangible. These trolls make money by extorting innovators who seek to bring these ideas to real market reality.

Software patents seem particularly absurd, given the context of how they are applied. My neighbor once said something to the effect of "A software patent in many cases is like patenting the ideas of putting mustard in a refrigerator ". After studying closed source patent heavy software, I became a fan of Linux and open source software.

Has the patent system been abused and degraded by frivolous legal entities and their litigious practices?   Yes! 

Spirits ( Fermentation Innovation )

A recent round of in mail high color marketing introduced me to a new store in my area.  Total Wine & More :

"People have enjoyed fermented beverages since the beginning of civilization. However, it wasn’t until an alchemist’s discovery of distillation that the party really took off! The art of making distilled beverages creates an endless variety of spirits ranging from the most basic (vodka) to complex (whiskey and brandy)."

AR. Drone : Close to Gone

A near miss: a software glitch, light winds and low light conditions combined to result in a snafu takeoff that sent my AR drone over the tree line westward into la la MIA land.........


Ars Technica editor Lee Hutchinson recently wrote a detailed analysis of Nand Flash storage solutions *SSD's*, that provides a fascinating view into the world of data storage.

This article confirms my initial conclusions and personal data storage preference: SSD's are good for your primary boot disk where applications and the OS is located, while bulk storage of music, movies, video, pictures and other large files is more effectively and feasibly accomplished by large capacity Disk Drives (Hard-drives). This combination solution provides the best peak performance while also offering the best overall value! 

A local Lightning Storm

Come check out the video I shot of a lightning storm floating over where I live during the early morning hours of July 9th 2012.

Wireless Carriers Blocking Innovation

As a followup to my posting about why "Smartphones Still Stuck", here I present an argument about why the carriers are the real problem with overpriced mobil data packages and ripoff required data on "smart" devices that connect to the dumb pipes offered by companies like AT&T in the wireless market.

Towards Singularity

Are we moving towards a science fiction reality? Singularity.... 

Image From :

4th of July (Family and Friends)

Friends and family gather for food, social interaction and fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July with nerd style on the 3 camera capture iMovie edit 720P HD windows free all SSD editing action.


Make sure to select 720HD, go full screen, and turn up your volume for maximum enjoyment, especially for the last half of the video :)

On YouTube

Not Going Offline: Online is Useful

Many people have started to question constant access to the internet because in some cases it has turned into something that people abuse excessively with social networks like Twitter and Facebook, occupying their limited and precious time on silly trivial stuff.

Some have started to say that we need to unplug and go offline in order to enjoy life more completely. While I understand this sentiment, that the internet can be bad if abused, I would argue that the internet saves people a lot of time and money when it is used responsibly with balance, wisdom, self control and self respect. I also believe the internet is a powerful tool with multiple useful functions in many areas of a persons life.

Lets examine why balanced use of the internet is not only useful, but in many ways important and essential to increasing numbers of people! Going beyond email......

McIntosh Audio Made in America

A legendary audio classic McIntosh 275  
Some of the best audiophile equipment manufacturers still make their products from raw materials right here in America.

McIntosh Labs has been continuously building high quality  audio electronics in New York since 1949. Their superior products offer unmatched build quality and performance.

I would like to dedicate this July 2, 2012 posting as a thank you to the McIntosh Laboratory company for their tradition of honoring their employees and heritage by keeping our economy strong right here in America! 

Google Q Made in America

The vast majority of consumer electronics are made in China, Taiwan, Japan, or somewhere other than America. This "outsourcing" of "Designed in America" "Made in Not America" has caused a lot of political and economic turmoil, debate and thinking lately.

More people in America are realizing that it was not just blue-collar factory jobs lost. Many of the high level intellectual service jobs associated with manufacturing disappeared with outsourcing to Asia or Latin America.

Google chooses to take a leadership position on this issue by building a modern consumer electronic device right here in the USA. Enter the one and only Google Nexus Q.